Don’t Script My Speech

Do you remember the Cole Porter song, “Don’t Fence Me In” sung famously by Frankie Laine? The recent futile efforts of the Presumptive’s handlers to script his speeches recalled this song to me, somewhat altered.

Oh, give me space, lots of space when I’m shouting out my words
Don’t script my speech
Let me say what I may, doesn’t matter how absurd
Don’t script my speech

Let me say stinky things at my public rallies
And listen to the cheering of my verbal sallies
Censor me forever but I ask you, paly
Don’t script my speech

Just turn me loose, let me chatter ‘bout what matters
To my private enterprise
From my caboose let me slander my detractors
As the devil in disguise

I want to shoot from the hip when I lose my temper
While hoping for the time when none would dare to tamper
I hate my detractors and I can’t stand prompters
Don’t script my speech, oh no
Now palies don’t you script my speech


Six, Six, Sixteen

Hillary Clinton was declared Presumptive Nominee for the Democratic Party on this date by the Press.

A date to remember when glass ceilings broke
This shattering matters to all kind of folk
To all the minorities throughout the land
Especially to women, as taller they stand

The Press made their tallies, what delegates told
And broadcast that Hillary crossed the threshold
To be the first woman throughout history
To be Nominee for the Presidency

We know it’s not over yet, more states will vote
We know that the Sanders campaign’s still afloat
We know that the big battle has just begun
But we toast the candidacy she has just won


She’s a Liiiier

Apologies to Westside Story

She’s a liiiier
Crooked liiiier
I can’t stand it, her speaking this way
I’m on fire
When she quotes the stupid things I always say

She is crooked
Oh so crooked
Do believe me; she belongs in a jail
She’s so stupid
That she didn’t even shred all that Email

See her standing there at the podium
So un-presidential is she
When she speaks it fills me with odium
Painting me so factually

She’s a liiiier
Crooked liiiier
I can’t stand it, her speaking this way
I’m on fire
When she quotes the stupid things I always say


Though Her Teeth Are Phoney

A while back I spoke of hill-billy songs I learned as a kid, some that were pretty guttural (which appears more appropriate as these campaigns evolve). For the one that comes to mind, you had to eat beans before the performance:

Though her teeth are phony / From chawin’ ring baloney / She’s my freckle-face consumption / Mary Jane, BARRUMPH!

There’s a lot you can do with this, so eat your beans and have at it.  A few of mine are below.

Though he’s lots of money
His statements hoo ha funny
The Republican contender
Trumpldee, BARRUMPH!

Though his manner’s brutish
With policies so foolish
He’s the GOP pretender
To the throne, BARRUMPH!

Since his name’s Hispanic
He puts me in a panic
He’s the judge who’ll prove me truly
Fraudulent, BARRUMPH!

If you enjoy this blog, please invite your acquaintances who you think might also enjoy it. I don’t advertise; I’ve only sent to my Email lists, Facebook friends (and their friends), and LinkedIn to colleagues. Thanks, Sabba Rabba,

I Am the Perfect Pattern

Again, Apologies to H.M.S. Pinafore

I am the perfect pattern of a pompous party candidate
My followers are swallowers of all that I prevaricate
It doesn’t matter that my chatter lacks of true consistency
They cheer at what they hear because I chatter so convincingly

I’m master at manipulating media attentiveness
Opponents, when capitulating, broadcast their resentfulness
Their slights delight me in that they enhance my popularity
But then they board my wagon praising me with all sincerity

Prevailing in the primaries, it has become quite evident
That January twentieth, I’ll be sworn in as President
I’ll be the news when I refuse; this nightmare has been haunting me
The Presidency’s not for me, too much responsibility.


Bernie, Bernie

It concerns me that the Sanders campaign is threatening a floor fight at the convention, i.e. to continue the campaign to be the nominee even after the primaries on June 7th.  I believe his campaign has earned him a voice on the platform and a prime-time speech, but only after he concedes the nomination to Hillary, independent of the June 7th results.

Bernie, Bernie
Full of fury
Aimed at Demos debonair
With votes lacking
He’s attacking
Party rules as too unfair

Philadelphia do beware

Floor fights threatened
Tempers heightened
Time to cool down this discord
Time to be
For unity
Opposing whom we can’t afford

All together in accord



A federal judge ordered the release of hundreds of documents related to the fraud case against you know who. See the link, ‘Fraud Victims”, to a Daily Kos article. But, of course, I too have to comment –  in my own way.

Fraud Victims

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Gather near me
Boy, have I got news for you
If you’re lacking education
You can start matriculation
Right away at my TU

Max your plastics
It’s fantastic
You’ll become a rich tycoon
If aspiring to retiring
Use those savings; shoot the moon

All my secretes to my fortune
Yours to learn at my TU
Once you’ve payed me all your fortune
You’ll have learned the art of screw


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A contributor to this blog sent an article that was in the April 25 SOLON by Dr. Sophia A. McClennen, Assoc. Dir. of the School of International Affairs and Founding Director of Penn States Center for Global Studies.  A Link to the article, which was the inspiration for the following poelitic, is given below.  

What if …

I say with all sincerity
I don’t doubt his vitality
But clarity’s a rarity
Except in trading reality

I question with temerity:
His dearth of credibility
And deeds of such disparity
All hint of some senility?
