Who will the nominee pick as VP
For stumping with Trumple; who would agree?
Ryan ain’t buyin’ and Marco’s a no go
Palin is flailin’ and Carter’s a no show
Christy’s too risky and Walker’s a no no
Cruz is still bruisin’ and Paul has his own woe
The question remains: who’s to be Trumple’s mate?
Who has the right stuff matching this candidate?
Let’s see, Joe Arpaio, he hates Mex and blacks
Then there’s Janet Brewer whose tongue’s sharp as tacks
And maybe Don Rumsfeld who screws up his facts
Or General Petraeus, discretion he lacks
I guess we must wait until Cleveland, July
To know Trumple’s victim to run by his side
In today’s news, the articles about Trump are the scariest. They say he is actually putting together a campaign strategy and hasn’t put his foot in his mouth for 2 days. I’m fearful!
Dear Little Bird
Yesterday he succeeded to put both feet in.
Great rundown