Yesterday, an old folk song with hauntingly beautiful lyrics and melody played repeatedly in my head: ” Where does it lead / This strange young love of mine? / Only heaven and the lilies know …” I heard this on an old LP-record album titled “A Man and His Maid” by Theodore Bikel and Cynthia Gooding. This one was sung by Cynthia. Of course, I had to use it to pattern a poelitic.
What Trumple thinks
That spastic brain of his
Only a psychiatrist might know
His cohorts shrink
From caustic casts of his
To his loyal followers in tow
Play to their ignorance, how it shows
Where’s their intelligence? No one knows
Oh; Oh; Oh
Everywhere he leads them they must go
What Trumple says
That fearless mouth of his
Only feckless followers agree
Boasting his way
His narcissist’s id
Caring not what others hear and see
Plays on our ignorance, you and me
Plays us with arrogance, cleverly
Oh; Oh; Oh
Whither he would take us we must flee