This week of tragedy has indelibly impacted politics. Mourning was genuine on both sides of the isle. The Democrats were emboldened to do something about guns, while Republicans doubled down against terrorism. On this last score it is interesting to note that they did not rally behind their presumptive nominee. This is nothing short of dire for his campaign. Juliette, a contributor to this blog, suggested the following article in the Political Scrapbook: A JOURNALIST WENT TO A DONALD TRUMP RALLY YESTERDAY AND CAME BACK SHOCKED. HERE ARE HIS TWEETS
Don’t you feel sorry for those GOP’s
Who boarded the Trumpledee wagon back when
His party presumed him to be nominee
Who polled pretty even with Hillary then?
That was then, this is now; things have transpired
Things said and done causing backers to fidget
Trumpledee’s tirades, it seems, have backfired
The poll separation is near double digits
Thus, most Republicans are disavowing
Aspersions he recklessly scatters about
While Trumpledee’s tried and true he still is wowing
Other supporters are drowning in doubt
“Be strong and support me, or shut your damn lips!”
That’s the new mantra in Trumpledee fort
“It’s my way or highway; who cares if you flip?”
“I’ll go it alone; I don’t need your support!”