Senator Chris Murphy filibustered, talking on his feet for 15 hours with no breaks even to attend the rest room. Furthermore, he stayed on topic, gun regulation, throughout his vigil. Throughout the filibuster other senators (40 all told) joined him in the Senate chamber. The history making result is that he won. The Senate will vote on four measures on Monday, two for which he filibustered and two approved by the NRA.
Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox posted his speech on the Orlando shooting on YouTube: GovSpencer
Chris Murphy, you’ve pulled off a miracle
Convincing the Senate’s implacable
…..Your filibuster of note
…..Shamed the Senate to vote
Now the NRA lobby’s hysterical
Senator John McCain, in a fit of pique said that President Obama was “directly responsible” for the Orlando massacre, since he, Obama, pulled our troops out of Iraq, which allowed ISIS to be formed. His “facts” are not what I remember.
The Honorable Senator McCain
The Honorable Sen JohnMcCain
Has problems recalling, it’s plain:
…..Who started the war with Iraq?
…..Who gave their top generals the sack
…..Which triggered the ISSL formation
…..And spread terror throughout the nations?
…..And who signed the time-table track
…..To withdraw our troops from Iraq?
I’ll tell you the truth, if you please
Obama’s not guilty of these