A Moment of Silence

Yesterday in Tucson we stood with the LGBT community, at an LGBT performance, for a Moment of Silence, honoring the Orlando victims and their loved ones.  Today Representative Jim Hines (D, Connecticut) boycotted the House’s Moment of Silence.  It was and is significantly symbolic.

We honor lost loved ones with prayers and obits
And when they are subjects of mass-killing fits
We honor such victims with Moments of Silence
But when will we honor them, voicing defiance?

All bills on war weapons go down to defeat
Our G O P reps maintain silence replete
Their Moments have stretched to forever, it’s clear
Their gun-lobby masters have dumbed them with fear

It’s time now to honor these victims, their ghosts
By voting said Congressmen out of their posts
And voting in worthies who’ll pass legislation
Restricting such war guns without hesitation


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

4 thoughts on “A Moment of Silence”

  1. Some House Democrats refused, in protest, to participate in the moment of silence, with similar sentiments to the poelitic: Clark, Moulton (Mass) – https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2016/06/13/rep-katherine-clark-refuses-partake-congresss-moment-silence-calls-gun-policy-change ; Himes (Connecticut) – who also spoke on the House floor prior to the moment of silence, and then walked out – http://www.attn.com/stories/9130/congressman-jim-himes-refuses-moment-silence . See also https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/14/paul-ryan-held-a-moment-of-silence-then-some-house-democrats-held-a-protest/ .

    1. Thanks, Ken, for the references. I expect more Congressmen will follow Moulton’s lead.

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