AR-15 Assault Rifle???

We are sickened and saddened by the massacre that took place in Orlando early this morning.  It apparently was both an act of hate against the LGBT community and an act of domestic terror for which ISIS claims credit.  Prayers of condolence to the victim’s loved ones are in order, but that’s not enough.  Vigilance against terror is necessary, but that’s not enough.  Key associated culprits in this tragedy are the members of the House and Senate who have refused to ban such assault weapons as the AR-15 from being publicly available for purchase.

And why buy a weapon intended for murder?
Not hunting, not sporting, not defense, just death
And why do we sanction the sale of these guns?
Where are the rights of their victims to life?

A weapon designed for the Army to use
Should not be for people to buy as they choose

And who really needs thirty rounds in a clip?
Not to hunt, nor to sport, nor defend, just to kill
To kill just as many the killer can do
Mindlessly murdering all those in sight

A weapon designed for the Army to use
Should not be for people to buy as they choose

Don’t give me this claim about rights to bear arms
Obama won’t confiscate all of your guns
Go tell all your Congressmen you’ve had enough
If they’re too afraid, then just vote them all out

A weapon designed for the Army to use
Should not be for people to buy as they choose


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

5 thoughts on “AR-15 Assault Rifle???”

  1. 6/14/16
    We learned today that the rifle used in the Orlando massacre was a Sig Sauer MCX, which is similar to the AR-15 except that it is: (1) collapsible making it easier to conceal, (2) Easier to fire with less kick to the shoulder such that a 6-year old could handle it, and (3) has a higher repetition rate making it a more efficient killing weapon.

  2. I totally agree. For quite some time I have complained about unfettered access to assault weapons, and I have wrung my hands after each mass shooting — but I have to admit that I have not really done anything meaningful to move the needle… until yesterday. Yesterday afternoon I made a donation to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and I signed a petition to ban assault weapons. Today I will call congress members to advocate for reasonable gun control, and I will seek other ways to make a difference on this issue.

    Next week I will be traveling to Columbus to attend the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association as a delegate for the River Road UU Congregation, and I will be voting to support a proposed 4-year Congregational Study/Action Issue for ending gun violence in America. I am heartened to know that there is attention among UUs at the national level for this important issue, and I have asked our minister if there is also a way to push the cause forward at the local level. While I am not an expert on advocacy, I am willing to learn and would be glad to help lead any efforts towards gun control that our congregation might want to pursue.

    If you have any thoughts on potentially effective actions, I am all ears.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Leigh, and thank you even more for your anti-assault-weapon activities. You have an extensive Facebook following, so I suggest you post these comments there as well. You could also suggest this blog to your friends. The Daily Kos often has anti-gun petitions among its articles plus suggestions of their own. I suggest that you check it out as well.

  3. It is hard to believe, but statistics which show that after every mass shooting, the sale of guns increases.

    1. I think that these hoarders believe that with each new gun massacre, this increases the likelihood that President Obama will try to confiscate their weapons.

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