Again, Apologies to H.M.S. Pinafore
I am the perfect pattern of a pompous party candidate
My followers are swallowers of all that I prevaricate
It doesn’t matter that my chatter lacks of true consistency
They cheer at what they hear because I chatter so convincingly
I’m master at manipulating media attentiveness
Opponents, when capitulating, broadcast their resentfulness
Their slights delight me in that they enhance my popularity
But then they board my wagon praising me with all sincerity
Prevailing in the primaries, it has become quite evident
That January twentieth, I’ll be sworn in as President
I’ll be the news when I refuse; this nightmare has been haunting me
The Presidency’s not for me, too much responsibility.
These posts are all so relevant and sooooo right on true. The only thing that worries me– after it is all done–what could possibly be as gut wrenching as Trump.