Mighty Gowdy

Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who led the Select Committee on Benghazi, released the committee’s 800 page report yesterday. [Rhythm of “Oh Dear, what can the matter be?]

Mighty Gowdy, investigator he
Chaired the House’s Benghazi inquiry
Formed to find the misdeeds of Hillary
Dooming her candidacy

Two years plus were spent on the inquiry
Seven million squandered so uselessly
Funds that could have rebuilt the embassy
This was the ninth inquiry

Trey’s committee published conclusively
Finding there were no improprieties
Nothing there that had enough potency
To doom her candidacy

Par the course, Republican stagnancy
In the House it’s their shameful legacy
No bills passed addressing necessities
Problems of real urgency


Trumple’s VP

Who will the nominee pick as VP
For stumping with Trumple; who would agree?

Ryan ain’t buyin’ and Marco’s a no go
Palin is flailin’ and Carter’s a no show
Christy’s too risky and Walker’s a no no
Cruz is still bruisin’ and Paul has his own woe

The question remains: who’s to be Trumple’s mate?
Who has the right stuff matching this candidate?

Let’s see, Joe Arpaio, he hates Mex and blacks
Then there’s Janet Brewer whose tongue’s sharp as tacks
And maybe Don Rumsfeld who screws up his facts
Or General Petraeus, discretion he lacks

I guess we must wait until Cleveland, July
To know Trumple’s victim to run by his side


Oh Dear

Oh dear, what will the future be
Now that England’s left Europe’s unity?
Will it wreck the global economy?
Nobody knows how we’ll fare

Central banks are nearing to foundering
Will they fail? It’s what we are wondering
Forty years of truce Brits are squandering
Their voters don’t seem to care

Trillions lost as markets are tumbling
Dollar’s up but sterling is stumbling
Here, at home, the Feds will be fumbling
Their logic, oft doesn’t square

Dear, oh dear oh, what will our future be?
What we see is fraught with uncertainty
I suggest, devoid of authority
Do nothing, but stay aware


Koch Brother’s Dilemma

Said Charles to David
Let’s buy this election
And who do we favor to win?

Said David to Charles
No easy selection
It looks like the Demos are in

Said Charles to David
We can’t let that happen
They buy into man’s climate change

Said David to Charles
That surly would dampen
Our profit with rigs on the range

Said Charles to David
Republicans voted
A nominee who’s even worse

Said David to Charles
It, too, should be noted
He seems to be short on the purse

Said Charles to David
I guess, on the Senate
We’ll have to expend all our cash

Said David to Charles
True! If we don’t win it,
The Demo’s will hand us our ash



Because Brexit won, Dave Cameron announced that he would be stepping down as Prime Minister.  This leaves the position open for Labor’s Jeremy Corbyn who recently was elected leader of the party by a landslide.  The Labor party was not in favor of Brexit, but Corbyn, himself, is not a Eurocentrist and did not campaign much against Brexit.  Some labor members of Parliament are calling for a no-confidence vote to remove him as leader, but it appears not to likely to happen.

What no one expected
It wasn’t predicted
The polls contradicted
That Brexit turned Exit

So Davy is leaving
And no one is grieving
Since they stopped believing
In where he was leading

His brand of austerity
Choked the economy
Growth was a rarity
Bad for posterity

Labor’s head, Jeremy
An unknown entity
What will the future be?
Lots of uncertainty


When John Lewis

Sung to the tune of John Henry

When John Lewis saw that Congress wouldn’t vote
Terrorists could still buy guns
He said I’m sick and tired of this do-nothing House
Gonna make this Congress get it done
Lord, Lord
Gonna make this Congress get it done

Well, John Lewis, he said to the Speaker
Speaker, let’s vote today
That unless we stop all terrorists from ever buying guns
Speaker, you will rue the day
Lord, Lord
Speaker you will rue the day

Well, the Speaker, he said to John Lewis
We will vote on what and when I say
And if it doesn’t please you, just stay out of my way
John Lewis just stay out of my way
Lord, Lord
John Lewis just stay out of my way

Well, John Lewis, he gathered up his caucus
Democrats all come along with me
We will stage a sit-in ‘till they give us a vote
We’ll sit here ‘till they give us a vote
Lord, Lord
We’ll sit here ‘till they give us a vote

It seems ages since they started sitting
They could still be sitting there today
And maybe still be singing, “We shall overcome”
They’ll sit there ‘till they get their vote
Lord, Lord
They’ll sit there ‘till they get their vote


Hang Down Your Head

The other night I heard the Kingston Trio singing “Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooly”.  For some reason Marco Rubio came to mind.

Hang down your head young Marco
Hang down your head and sigh
Hang down your head young Marco
Poor boy, you really tried

Tried for nomination
Candidate to be
Campaigned ‘cross the nation
Lost the vote to Trumpledee

Hang down your head young Marco
Gave up your Senate seat
Hang down your head young Marco
Figured you could Trumple beat

Soon you’ll be civilian
Having to do real work
You’ll never gain your millions
Working for some bossy jerk

Hang down your head young Marco
Gone is your easy life
Hang down your head young Marco
Senate life was really nice

What’s that we’re hearing?
Sounds like an old refrain
Is it what we’re fearing?
Rumors that you’ll run again

Hang down your head young Marco
That way you don’t see far
Hang down your head young Marco
Politics is all you are


There’s No Hurry

Bernie, Bernie, there’s no hurry
Take your time and never worry
Hillary will do just fine
Join her when you find the time

You don’t want to lose advantage
Keep the delegates you manage
Make yourself most influential
While the party turns resentful

Push the platform from the right
Toward the left and out of sight
Past where Clinton deems to run
Maybe that is why she won



Notice how glib, with ease
Each of the nominees
Talks the economy

Each sounds so confident
That being President
They set how money’s spent

However, you can bet
No matter who we get
Up goes the nation’s debt

Our wars are never cheap
From Congress not a peep
As o’er the cliff we leap

But really it’s the Fed
What is or isn’t said
That signals green or red

Stock markets rise or fall
Synched with Fed’s latest call
And not economies at all

It ‘s time-spans small or great
That act to regulate
Which factors dominate

When time spans centuries
It is demography
That drives economies


The Lilies Know

Yesterday, an old folk song with hauntingly beautiful lyrics and melody played repeatedly in my head: ” Where does it lead / This strange young love of mine? / Only heaven and the lilies know …”   I heard this on an old LP-record album  titled “A Man and His Maid” by Theodore Bikel and Cynthia Gooding. This one was sung by Cynthia.  Of course, I had to use it to pattern a poelitic.

What Trumple thinks
That spastic brain of his
Only a psychiatrist might know

His cohorts shrink
From caustic casts of his
To his loyal followers in tow

Play to their ignorance, how it shows
Where’s their intelligence? No one knows

Oh; Oh; Oh
Everywhere he leads them they must go

What Trumple says
That fearless mouth of his
Only feckless followers agree

Boasting his way
His narcissist’s id
Caring not what others hear and see

Plays on our ignorance, you and me
Plays us with arrogance, cleverly

Oh; Oh; Oh

Whither he would take us we must flee
