
As a young man I played the guitar and sang folk songs,  the kind collected by Alan Lomax and Burl Ives in the hill country of America.  With all the political garbage currently being dredged up, one of those songs came to mind: ‘Dirty Lil, Dirty Lil / Lived on top of Garbage Hill / Never took a bath and never will / Qwth – dang, Dirty Lil.’.  The ‘Qwth – dang’ was the wad of phlegm landing in the spittoon.  Why ‘dang’ instead of ‘ding’ ?- By the time the sound reaches your ears, it’s already past tense.  Well, I wrote a take-off on ‘Dirty Lil’, but it wouldn’t be politically correct for me to sing it.  However, if someone else were to sing it, it would sound like:

Lying Trmp, Lying Trmp

Grovels in the garbage dump

Never tells the truth while on the stump

Qwth – dang, Lying Trmp

Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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