Some Earlier Rhyme-a-doodles

Rhyme-a- doodles are little pieces of rhyme and rhythm that seem to occur to me as I watch and listen to MSNBC and sometimes FOX News.  They are often formulated like nursery rhymes.   I don’t recall the dates on these but you can probably place them.  

Go ahead!  Do some of your own; there’re fun.  Then send them to me to post.


Senator Cruz

Received abuse

And didn’t know how to fight it

Just laugh at the source

And it will, of course,

Get Trumple’s bad temper ignited


Hillary dillery dock

Time Donald should really take stock

If Trumple does run

It should be great fun

Seeing Hillary cleaning his clock


Dear Bernie a lot’s on your plate

Your promises truly sound great

Our kids really buy them

They’ve not had to try them

But Congress would limit their fate


Sen. Bernie would have us revolt

To cause an establishment jolt

Our children believe it

But can he achieve it?

I doubt it, but then I’m a dolt


A Senator there was, dissatisfied was he

With government-as-usual policies

He preached revolution

As his great solution

And lost his bid to be the Nominee


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

2 thoughts on “Some Earlier Rhyme-a-doodles”

  1. If Trump should win the White House
    It’s expected, I’ve been told,
    That he’ll quickly have it painted
    A lovely majestic gold.
    But when his term is over
    He won’t want it returned to white.
    He’ll insist that gold is his birthright,
    and that white is a terrible blight.
    Oy Vey!

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