Two More Rhyme-a-Doodles

Marco, Marco quite the fellow
Seems your word is firm as Jello
Once you scorned him
Now you’ve joined him
Your once blue blood turned to yellow

Hillary dillery naughty, naughty
Don’t be coy and don’t be haughty
We know that you had no faith
That your Emails would be safe
Emails draw those prying eyes
Keep them from Department spies
So, Inspector, reprimand
It won’t matter, you’ll still stand


When I Was a Lad

In spite of his wealth, one candidate’s public behavior reveals to me an underlying lack of self confidence, leading me to speculate on its origin.

When I Was a Lad
Apologies to H.M.S. Pinafore

When I was a lad
I had a dad
Who was so darn capable
It hurt me bad
It hurt me badly so consistently
That now I am the leader of the GOP

It hurt him badly so consistently
That now he is the leader of the GOP

Dad made his millions
Trading properties
As for me, my father
I could never please
That I couldn’t please him so persistently
I am now the leader of the GOP

That he couldn’t please him so persistently
He is now the leader of the GOP

When Dad passed away
Millions passed to me
I am now worth billions
Wouldn’t Dad be pleased?
Since I made those billions so deceptively
I am now the leader of the GOP

Since he made those billions so deceptively
He is now the leader of the GOP

President, I ran for
As a lark, you see
But since I can’t lose
I am the nominee
Due to you, dear Dad, I am the nominee
And I’ll be the greatest leader of the GOP

Due to his dear dad, he is the nominee
And he’ll be the greatest leader of the GOP



As a young man I played the guitar and sang folk songs,  the kind collected by Alan Lomax and Burl Ives in the hill country of America.  With all the political garbage currently being dredged up, one of those songs came to mind: ‘Dirty Lil, Dirty Lil / Lived on top of Garbage Hill / Never took a bath and never will / Qwth – dang, Dirty Lil.’.  The ‘Qwth – dang’ was the wad of phlegm landing in the spittoon.  Why ‘dang’ instead of ‘ding’ ?- By the time the sound reaches your ears, it’s already past tense.  Well, I wrote a take-off on ‘Dirty Lil’, but it wouldn’t be politically correct for me to sing it.  However, if someone else were to sing it, it would sound like:

Lying Trmp, Lying Trmp

Grovels in the garbage dump

Never tells the truth while on the stump

Qwth – dang, Lying Trmp

I Am the Son of Everyone

Most of my poelitics are written with a smile.  They make fun of whomever, while being in fun.  However, recent revelations about Veterans being disused and abused for political purposes prompted me to post this poem from my third self-published poetry book.  I served 8 years active duty in the Air Force.  Whereas I was never in a combat zone, I knew many who were and witnessed their sacrifice as well as that of their families.

Note: The Email rendering of the poem may be confusing.  Please open the blog.

I am the son of everyone
Your daughter, I, no matter who
Don’t speak heroics that I’m gone
Like yours my blood runs red, not blue
I did what soldiers all must do
And now I see me lying dead
My life I paid – to fight for you

No lovers will my arms embrace
No child will ever issue forth
No loving family at my place
No golden years to gray my head
I wonder if it all was worth –
My duty’s done – now that I’m dead

Yet politicians prance and preen
And praise the soldiering I’ve done
And prattle the heroic scene
“Our soldiers brave, we honor all
This war they fight, it must be won
Since re-election’s in the Fall

Trumple’s Sinking Links

Rumors swarming, global warming

I say it’s all fake

Sky is falling! It’s appalling!

Please, give me a break!


Pseudoscience in defiance

Really, it’s a hoax

It’s intensive, it’s expensive

It’s all China’s joke


Storms imploding, land eroding

There in County Clare

Golf-Links sinking, now I’m thinking

Climate change is there


Sinking links are bad for business

Hard to hit the ball

Got to right it!  Got to fight it!

Got to build a wall!



Ryan’s Dilemma

I Paul Ryan sit here sighin’; Trumple is my plight

Must endorse him, but can’t force him further to the Right

He positions helter skelter, what e’er comes to mind

Shallow fellow, firm as Jello; speaks from his behind

In spite of those, I’ll hold my nose and roll my eyes, of course,

And cross my fingers and my toes as Trumple I endorse


“Let’s Make America Great Again”

In the 5/21/16 edition of the ‘Daily Kos’ there was an article written by P. Gordon Lippy, dated September 7, 2015, that gave me the idea to compose this poelitic.  Here is a link to his article:  “Make America Great Again

“Let’s Make America Great Again”

That’s Trumpledee’s slogan to win

                His slogan, it’s curious,

                Is largely frivolous

                Since he’s oblivious

                To what is obvious

That we’re as great as our people within

We are the nation that we’ve always been


Trumple’s Lament

I’ve suspected for some time that Donald Trump never expected, nor intended to become the Republican nominee for President.  I’m not alone on this since I have read others who think similarly (but I don’t recall their references).  After all (1) it’s a come-down in life style having to appear to live in the White House and (2) it’s way too much responsibility, being in charge of the world; I mean that’s downright scary!!!

My apologies to EA Poe for the rhyme and rhythm schemes. 

Trumple’s Lament

This fate wasn’t meant to happen                                                                 Music blaring, banners flapping                                                                   All those thousands shouting, clapping                                                   ………Shouting, “Trumple, he’s our man!”                                                      Really not what I intended                                                                                 Nor have I much cash expended                                                                       This fiasco should have ended                                                                           …………Ended where it all began

They keep shouting, “He’s our man!”

I’m now leader of this party                                                                               G O P, all hale and hearty                                                                                 I’m so guru, I’m so smarty                                                                               ………….I’ll succeed because I can                                                                       I’m so awfully good at winning                                                                       Should have known it when beginning                                                             On myself the blame I’m pinning                                                                        ………. ‘Twas me fooling, when I ran

They keep shouting. “He’s our man!”

Now I’m certain I’ll be prexy                                                                             Life might be, well, kind of sexy                                                                       But I’ll suffer apoplexy                                                              …………….Living where I’d lose my tan                                                       Hotels have I, mansions have I                                                                     Billion-Dollar life style, have I                                                                         From that dinky White House will I                                                             …………….. Leave when ere I can

They keep shouting. “He’s our man!”


Some Earlier Rhyme-a-doodles

Rhyme-a- doodles are little pieces of rhyme and rhythm that seem to occur to me as I watch and listen to MSNBC and sometimes FOX News.  They are often formulated like nursery rhymes.   I don’t recall the dates on these but you can probably place them.  

Go ahead!  Do some of your own; there’re fun.  Then send them to me to post.


Senator Cruz

Received abuse

And didn’t know how to fight it

Just laugh at the source

And it will, of course,

Get Trumple’s bad temper ignited


Hillary dillery dock

Time Donald should really take stock

If Trumple does run

It should be great fun

Seeing Hillary cleaning his clock


Dear Bernie a lot’s on your plate

Your promises truly sound great

Our kids really buy them

They’ve not had to try them

But Congress would limit their fate


Sen. Bernie would have us revolt

To cause an establishment jolt

Our children believe it

But can he achieve it?

I doubt it, but then I’m a dolt


A Senator there was, dissatisfied was he

With government-as-usual policies

He preached revolution

As his great solution

And lost his bid to be the Nominee


It’s Anagrammatic

This anagram struck me while listening to all the chatter about the current disposition of the Republican party.

It’s anagrammatic                                                                                                You might say farsistic                                                                                      Republicans much as they’ve tried                             To be all united                                                                                                  Attempts unrequited                                                                                          When really they’ve come all untied